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Thanks to the posters at Italian Genealogy who translated this document we found out it reveals the following information:
Giacomo Riva was birth date on March 26, 1873
His parents were Giovanni Riva and Margherita Faletto
He was born in Pertusio, Italy, a town in the province of Torino. (Torino is one of eight provinces in the region of Piedmont. Also, in Pertusio there are hamlets called "Case Riva" and "Case Faletto." Hamlets, I'm told, took their names from the people living there.)
Physical description: Height: 5 feet and some inches---there's is a hole in the paper so it's not clear. His hair and eyebrow we listed as chestnut. His eyes were Grey. Forehead: low. Nose: Grecian. Completion: Rosy. Teeth: healthy. He had a distinguishing mark listed as a mole on his chin.
He was assigned to the 4th Alpini Regiment at the Italian colony in Eritrea (Africa)
He was a bread maker
Discharge date: ?/?/1896
NOTE: Giacomo/James Riva carried this document, his nationalization paper (below) and his miner's certification around in a small leather pouch.
© J. E. Riva 2008
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